Imagine being an unwanted animal

For hundreds of animals in the Cayman Islands, this is a sad reality every day.

We are Cayman’s only Animal Shelter, saving homeless cats and dogs since 1973.

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

Anatole France

Overview, Mission, Vision

The Cayman Islands Humane Society is a registered non-profit, established in November 1973. We operate Cayman’s only Animal Shelter.

Our Team

Led by our volunteer-run Board of Directors, our team of paid staff consists of several shelter managers, a veterinarian team, and animal carers.

Our Work

We work tirelessly to rescue, nurture, care for, rehabilitate and find responsible loving homes for Cayman’s homeless cats and dogs.

Connect with us on social media!


Cayman Islands Humane Society
Cayman Islands Humane Society2 hours ago
Reggie, before and after. Reggie came to us in February 2023. He was 7 months old. His skin was super itchy from mange and he had secondary infections. He was not a well pup. With treatment and care he started to make a recovery. Reggie was then lucky to be chosen to travel to Nova Scotia with South Paw Conservation Nova Scotia where he was snapped up! Here he is enjoying life! Without the support of donations, our shelter team, foster homes and volunteers we would not be able to tell these stories. Please consider helping us. Donate, volunteer, foster, adopt - whatever you can do, please help


10 months ago
11 months ago
11 months ago
11 months ago

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